Aura Cleansing

We are all interconnected and our auras, or the human energy field, constantly interact with the energy field of other beings and the environment.

For example, if you feel drained or overwhelmed in large crowds or with certain people, then you have experienced this interconnectedness. Your aura, your energy field, picked up the energy of others.

So, our energy field is affected by interactions with other beings as well our physical environment - electromagnetic pollution, air quality, water quality, food we eat and also our own emotional state.

Just as we take care of our physical body, we need to take care of our energy body on regular basis. For many healers, aura cleansing is part of a daily routine.

There are many ways to cleanse the aura - drinking plenty of fresh, clean water a day is one way to keep your energy field humming. Taking time for yourself, meditating, engaging in arts, and anything that nourishes your soul, helps your energy field as well.